The introduction of new members to the CONSOREM is provided under article 13 of the general regulations of the corporation, which reads as such:
The corporation allows for the introduction of new members in classes A, B or C according to the following terms and conditions :
- a) The organization seeking membership must advise in writing that they wish to join the corporation ;
- b) The board of directors votes on the request and ratifies it except in cases where it would judge the request inadmissible in view of the objectives of the corporation;
- c) The new member must pay his annual dues for the current year at the time of his acceptance to join;
- d) The new member accepts to conform to the general rules of the corporation;
- e) The new member cannot have access to the products, reports or any other information that result from the projects completed by the consortium, which were classified as strategic and which were executed before he became a member of the corporation.

The corporation consists of four (4) categories of membership, the members of classes A, B, C, and D.
Will be a member of class A, any moral person working, directly or indirectly, in the industry related to the mineral sector, or any other related industry, which agrees to it, which has paid his annual membership dues and which has been accepted as such by resolution by the board of directors of the corporation.
Will be a member of class B, any teaching institution of higher education or any organization duly recognised as such by the Quebec Ministry of Education, which agrees to it and which is accepted as such by resolution of the board of directors of the corporation.
Will be a member of class C, any representative of a governmental or paragovernmental agency or of any ministry, provincial or federal, which agrees to it, which wants to bring his collaboration to the corporation and which is accepted as such by the board of directors of the corporation, being understood that the representatives are designated by each of the said agencies, governmental or paragovernmental, and ministries.
Will be a member of class D, any person which does not qualify for any of the other membership categories, which wishes to bring his collaboration to the corporation and which will be accepted as such by resolution of the board of directors of the corporation.

Has the status of a founding member, the members of classes A, B and C that were present at the time of the first members general assembly. The members that join after the first general assembly are regular members.